Henry F. McCabe Family School of Education

The simple, yet heartfelt message is that you are needed in today’s classrooms, and the faculty of the Henry F. McCabe Family School of Education can and sincerely wants to help you get there.  教育项目的教师有100多年的公立学校教育经验. OBU教师毕业后的就业率达到了令人印象深刻的94%.

Featured Program

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is a critical development year in the life of a child. Teachers who are motivating, positive, energetic, dedicated, open and truly caring can be a big influence in their students’ lives, not just in elementary school, but for many years to come. Courses prepare students to teach PreK to grade 3.

Preparing Students for What’s Next

Our teacher education graduates are employed as educators, principals, superintendents, related services personnel, and school counselors. 毕业生服务于全球各地的公立、私立和古典学校. 有些人还在宣教现场或教堂担任学前和儿童事工主任或牧师. OBU教师教育专业毕业生被评为学校“年度教师”称号, district and state level. Several graduates have attained National Board Certification.

Emily Day

Class of 2024

“我知道我将有能力在课堂上教授音乐,并在一个基督教教育者应该如何行事的视角下这样做. I am prepared to be a future shaper, and that is exactly what I plan to do.”

Incredible Education, Affordable Cost.

OBU provides a minimum $10,000 per year scholarship to every incoming first-time freshman and $8,000 to every incoming transfer student. And you could qualify for even more financial aid! 我们的许多学生还通过联邦佩尔助学金和OBU Bison助学金获得资金.

要估计参加OBU的费用可能是多少,请查看我们的 Net Price Calculator. 我们认为你会惊喜地发现,OBU教育是多么实惠. Especially considering the incredible academic quality, personal mentor relationships with faculty and staff, and strong Christian commitment you will experience at OBU. You won’t find an experience like this anywhere else!

Scholarships and Grants 

Hear from the chair of the School of Education, Dr. 伊丽莎白·贾斯蒂斯,关于OBU的学位如何让你成为未来的塑造者.

Undergraduate Programs

Early Childhood Education


Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

You will receive a firm grounding in the knowledge, skills, 以及协助1至8年级儿童学习的必要性格. OBU的基础教育教师强调教育整个孩子的重要性, morally and spiritually, as well as academically.

Elementary Education

Special Education

In our special education program at OBU, 我们强调对所有学习者实施多感官方法的重要性. 我们研究从轻微到严重的各种残疾,并为学生提供必要的指导,以增强和扩大他们的知识,并根据他们感兴趣的领域量身定制课程. When you graduate, you will be prepared and confident to conduct IEP meetings, 提供策略,以提高包容的成功和实施积极的行为支持在课堂设置,以满足K- 12年级学生的不同需求.

Special Education

English Education, Secondary

OBU的英语教育学位为您提供了在您的内容中发展知识的机会, 学习各种教学理论和实践,并将这些理论应用于课堂实践. 本专业包括39学时的英语课程和32学时的教育学课程. Upon completion of the BSE and the passing of Oklahoma’s Certification Exams, 英语教育专业的学生将具备获得俄克拉何马州6至12年级教师执照所需的所有资格.

English Education, Secondary

Mathematics Education, Secondary

我们在OBU的数学学位是特别的,因为你在最强大的专业之一接受高质量的教育, and you receive that education in small, personalized classes. OBU几乎所有的初级班和高级班的学生都少于15人. 这允许与我们精力充沛的数学教师直接互动和个性化支持. Upon completion of the BSE and the passing of Oklahoma’s Certification Exams, 数学教育专业的学生将具备获得俄克拉荷马州6至12年级教师执照所需的所有资格.

Mathematics Education, Secondary

Music Education

你有机会与明天的未来塑造者分享你对音乐的热爱,这将在这个程度上实现. 您将准备成为一名认证和成功的音乐教师,在普通音乐和声乐或器乐在学前k -12年级的公立和私立学校.

Music Education

Science Education, Secondary

OBU的科学教育计划已被认证为符合国家科学教师协会的指导方针. This program offers courses in science and education, 当你准备在公立或私立学校教授科学时,哪一项提供了强有力的内容和教学法基础. Upon completion of the BSE and the passing of Oklahoma’s Certification Exams, 科学教育专业的学生将具备获得俄克拉何马州6至12年级教师执照所需的所有资格.

Science Education, Secondary

Social Sciences Education, Secondary

该课程提供高质量的高级课程和建议,旨在为您准备与社会科学中等教育相关的各种职业,并为毕业生提供研究生学习的坚实基础. 这些课程使您熟悉教学内容和教学知识,并帮助您发展学术和职业成功所需的技能. Upon completion of the BSE and the passing of Oklahoma’s Certification Exams, 社会科学教育专业的学生将具备获得俄克拉何马州6至12年级教师执照所需的所有资格.

Social Sciences Education, Secondary


Graduate and Certificate Programs

Master of Arts in Teaching

Designed to propel and advance your teaching career, 我们的教学硕士课程是针对您感兴趣的特定领域进行个性化的.

Teaching, MA

Alternative Teaching Certificate


Alternative Teaching Certificate

World-Class Faculty


Dr. Elizabeth Justice

Dr. Elizabeth Justice

Chair, School of Education
Lawrence C. and Marion Harris Chair of Education
Associate Professor of Education
Co-Director, ACCESS Program

Tina Nickerson

Tina Nickerson

Administrative Assistant, School of Education

Dr. Jeanne Akin

Dr. Jeanne Akin

Mary A. White Professor of Education

Dr. Larinee Dennis

Dr. Larinee Dennis

Chief Academic Officer
Dean of Business, Health, Science and Education
Professor of Education

Dr. Rebecca Farley

Dr. Rebecca Farley

Associate Professor of Education

Annie Keehn

Annie Keehn

Assistant Professor of Education
Co-Director, ACCESS Program

Dr. Kellie D. Young

Dr. Kellie D. Young

Violet Sturgeon Minton Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education


The Henry F. 麦凯布家庭教育学校是由教育工作者准备认证委员会认证的, CAEP. 教育学院提供幼儿(PK-3年级)本科课程。, elementary education (grades 1-8), special education (grades PK-12), secondary English education, secondary math education, secondary science education, secondary social studies education, and both instrumental and vocal music education.

Accreditation Information